Dugouts RSS
Dugouts & One Hitters: The All In One Dugout Guide
No hippie’s collection is complete without a high-quality dugout and a one hitter pipe. Ready-to-use convenient storage, supreme portability, and all-day capacity make dugouts a timeless personal smoking solution. So is a dugout just a dugout, or are there some finer points we should consider when looking to buy a dugout and one hitter combo? What makes a dugout, a dugout? Urban Dictionary defines a dugout as, “A small box for holding a one-hitter pipe and a rather small amount of ground herb, in separate compartments. Dugouts allow one to pack the bowl of the one-hitter by burrowing its tip...
Dugouts - what are they, how do they work?
Portable and easy to carry in your pocket or purse (hello, ladies!), dugouts are one of the best tools to have as a smoker. Dugouts, sometimes called Taster Boxes, are perfect for any smoker. Usually constructed of wood, a dugout has two main compartments. A larger compartment holds your tobacco and a smaller compartment that holds a metal taster bat. Dugouts have been around for decades, and there’s a reason. Not only are they convenient, they also help you get the most out of your smoke. Finely grind your tobacco with an herb grinder and pack it into the large...