Vaporizers RSS
What are the Types of Vaporizers?
Standard Vaporizers Standard Vaporizers additionally alluded to as "Box Vaporizers" or "Whip-Style" Vaporizers, commonly use a clay warming component and require the client to breathe in through the tubing. This inward breath makes a convection current, pulling hot air over the spices, permitting the client to keep up with the most extreme authority over the disintegrating interaction. Numerous standard vaporizers utilize what is known as the "without hands" plan, which implies that the spice compartment toward the finish of the wand lays autonomously on the warming component without the requirement for the client to keep their hand near the warming...
510 Threaded Vape Pen Battery Comparison
It’s kind of like the Common Era method of historical dating, you know, the BC years as opposed to the AD years. There was life before 510 threaded vaporizer cartridges, and then there’s the common era we live in now. Vape pens changed the game, there’s no doubt about it. Their supreme convenience and discreetness rocked the smoking world to its core. So here we are, coming up on Spring 2020, and there’s no putting the toothpaste back in the tube. Here’s how to make sense of all the 510 threaded vape pen battery options on the market. Well, not...
Types of Vaporizers
What is a Vaporizer? How to Smoke Without Smoking Ah, the vaporizer. Such a broad category, the term might conjure emotions of elation or frustration. It’s a device that heats things hot enough to turn them into a gas, but not so hot that they burst into flames. Which begs the question, what exactly are we vaporizing? And things get hairy. Technically, you could vaporize all sorts of things. Water, alcohol, even ketchup. But when relatively normal people talk about vaporizing, they’re typically talking about either nicotine solutions called e-liquids, or herbs and herbal extracts. We want all the benefits...
Our Top 5 Dab Pen Picks
On the hunt for the perfect dab pen? Search no further. Dabbing on the go has never been easier or less expensive. Wax pens have come a long way in a short time, and here are a few of our favorites! Yocan Magneto: This bad boy packs a lot of punch into a compact package! It improves on several aspects of other stellar Yocan models with magnetic connections for quick access, unique ceramic atomizer design, and built-in dab tool for effortless loading. Ooze Duplex: Although technically not a pen, the Ooze Duplex vaporizer can do everything any pen can, and...
Best Vaporizers: The 2019 Holiday Season Buying Guide
Think of the biggest gamechanging innovations in human history. The wheel, the lever, the hammer. Then there’s the radio, the motion picture, and the smartphone. What was even more influential than these mind-blowing inventions? Fire. Without it, without cooked food and protection from cold and predators, we might still be in the stone age right now. What could possibly be even more lit than fire? For the dedicated smoker-joker-midnight-toker, it’s vaporization. All the benefits of fire, none of the drawbacks. That being said, a vaporizer that doesn’t work effectively and intuitively is the worst. It’s like a car sitting on...